About the Metropolitan Planning Organization

The RTC has been designated by the state legislature as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as required by federal law for transportation in Washoe County. This vital and important role in our community helps Northern Nevada compete at the federal level for public dollars for transportation in our community. RTC works with local cities and regional government planning agencies to anticipate and plan for the future of our Truckee Meadows home. As both the transit service provider and MPO for the region, RTC meets the transit board representation requirements of 23 USC 134.

The Planning Department also conducts corridor studies, dissemination of regional transportation information, air quality analysis and development review services in addition to other tasks.

The future of Northern Nevada depends on the transportation network of roads, streets, highways and public transportation. The RTC Planning Department anticipates, forecasts and plans for the transportation needs of today, tomorrow and the future. Through efforts of the Planning Department, the community’s visions for all modes of transportation is put into plans.

Planning is responsible for development and preparation of the region’s long-range Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the short-range transportation plan Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP).