Pyramid Highway/US395 Final EIS

This page provides links to download the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS includes updates to the alternatives evaluated in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). (Please see the Alternatives Analysis History page for information on the alternative screening process and how the alternatives were identified). The FEIS fully evaluates these alternatives including their impact to the human and natural environment. A preferred alternative Arterial Alternative 3 was identified based on public, stakeholder, and agency review.

Please use the links below to download the chapters and appendices of the FEIS. Note that large files may require additional time to download.

Final Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary (English)

Final Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary (Spanish)

Final Environmental Impact Statement Cover

Final Environmental Impact Statement Table of Contents

Final Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 1- Purpose and Need

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 2- Alternatives

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 3- Environmental Resources

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 4- Comments and Coordination

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 5- Section 4(f) Evaluation

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 6- Evaluation of Alternatives

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 7- List of Preparers

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 8- List of Recipients

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 9- List of References

Final Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 10- Glossary of Terms

Appendix A: Agency Coordination Part 1

Appendix A: Agency Coordination Part 2

Appendix B: Public Involvement

Appendix C: Plan Sheets

Appendix D: Draft EIS Comments and Responses

Appendix E: Analysis of BLM Required Design Features for Greater Sage Grouse

Appendix F: Traffic Sensitivity Analysis – April 2018