Accordion – Bootstrap v3.3.5

Uses Bootstrap 3.3.5

TODO: we should replace this with a version that is modern

I'm a collapse element. I'm in a box. Chocolate cake biscuit powder cotton candy. Liquorice pudding jelly beans pastry marshmallow pudding gingerbread marshmallow pudding. Croissant biscuit pastry chocolate candy canes cheesecake pudding gingerbread croissant. Cotton candy donut soufflé jelly beans jelly-o cheesecake bonbon. Dragée cupcake pudding. Danish jujubes dragée chupa chups toffee jelly beans cupcake pastry. Ice cream chocolate dessert. Powder candy canes cake lollipop pudding. Jelly cake brownie tiramisu bear claw bonbon cake macaroon. Croissant sugar plum soufflé dessert soufflé halvah.
<!-- Accordion -->

<button class="button is-primary" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-example"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="ways-to-pay">Collapse Example
<?php get_svg_icon('angle-down'); ?></button>

<div class="collapse" id="collapse-example">
	<div class="box">
		I'm a collapse element. I'm in a box. Chocolate cake biscuit powder cotton candy. Liquorice pudding
		jelly beans pastry marshmallow pudding gingerbread marshmallow pudding. Croissant biscuit pastry
		chocolate candy canes cheesecake pudding gingerbread croissant. Cotton candy donut soufflé jelly beans
		jelly-o cheesecake bonbon. Dragée cupcake pudding. Danish jujubes dragée chupa chups toffee jelly beans
		cupcake pastry. Ice cream chocolate dessert. Powder candy canes cake lollipop pudding. Jelly cake
		brownie tiramisu bear claw bonbon cake macaroon. Croissant sugar plum soufflé dessert soufflé halvah.