Press Release: Zolezzi Lane at Arrowcreek Parkway Intersection Closure

JULY 24, 2023

The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County and Sierra Nevada Construction (SNC) will close Zolezzi Lane at the intersection of Arrowcreek Parkway for two days. The closure will begin Wednesday, July 26 and reopen to traffic Friday, July 28, 2023. Detours using Thomas Creek Road via Mt. Rose Highway will be in place. Access on Arrowcreek Parkway will be maintained with lane reductions. Intermittent traffic delays will continue on Friday due to paving operations. Drivers are encouraged to consider alternate routes.

The closure is part of the ongoing Arrowcreek Parkway Project, which will reconstruct the roadway.

About the Arrowcreek Parkway Project:

The Arrowcreek Parkway Project includes the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing roadway on portions of Arrowcreek Parkway and Zolezzi Lane. The project will improve pavement condition and pedestrian accessibility.

The roadway reconstruction work includes full-depth removal and replacement of the roadway base and pavement. Work is taking place on Arrowcreek Parkway from South Virginia Street to approximately 250 feet south of Rubblestone Drive, with road rehabilitation work on Zolezzi Lane from Arrowcreek Parkway to Jeppson Lane.

As part of the project, the RTC is reconstructing existing pedestrian curb ramps, sidewalk, and curbs as needed to improve accessibility. The project will improve traffic signals, and provide overall improvements to these heavily used regional roadways.

This project represents a $3.8 million investment in our community and is funded with RTC fuel tax.

Please use extra caution in and around construction zones for everyone’s safety.