Advanced-Mobility Plan

The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County is proposing the development of an Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure and Advanced-Mobility Plan to address existing electric vehicle infrastructure needs in the area as well as to best prepare for continued advances in mobility technology, including the following:

  • Systems planning for autonomous and connected transportation infrastructure
  • Systems planning and engineering services for autonomous transit infrastructure
  • Traffic analysis for micromobility systems and projects
  • Systems planning for electric and hydrogen fuel cell charging infrastructure
  • Traffic analysis relating to safety of these proposed systems
RTC Washoe Regional Planning - fueling stations

The RTC currently has 38 electric and 17 hybrid electric/biodiesel buses in its fleet, and the Reno-Sparks area is poised to be an early adopter of an alternative-fueled transportation network. In order to create a more convenient, connected, and environmentally friendly transportation network, the above plan will investigate various mobility solutions that could be integrated into the existing transportation framework or fully implemented within new transportation improvement projects. It will also identify and evaluate potential advanced-mobility design options for the Washoe County area and recommend specific corridors where testing and/or implementation would be feasible.

Financial Information
The funding is dependent upon availability.

Consultant: HDR

Advanced Mobility Plan Action Plan FINAL 3.31.22 

RTC Project Manager (PM)
Dr. Xuan Wang, RTC Senior Planner