RTC Access No Show And Late Cancellation Policy


Passengers who frequently fail to properly cancel a trip, do not show up in time for their scheduled ride, or (in the case of do not leave alone customers) whose caretakers fail to be present to receive them at time of drop off, will be subject to a progressive penalty that may lead to service suspension. The following actions are considered no show occurrences for the purpose of this policy:

  • When a vehicle arrives for a passenger inside the trip window and the passenger does not board the vehicle within five minutes;
  • When a passenger refuses a scheduled trip at the door (also known as a Cancel at the Door);
  • Late cancellations that occur one hour or less from the beginning of the 20-minute window trip time (also known as a Late Cancel);
  • When a do not leave alone passenger’s caretaker is not present to receive them at the time of drop off.

Once a passenger reaches three no shows in one calendar month and if these no shows total 10% or more of their trips in that calendar month, the RTC ACCESS No Show suspension policy will take effect.

No passenger shall be suspended under this policy for having two or fewer no show occurrences in one month.

For those riders who accumulate no shows, the following progressive suspension policy is as follows:

  • First suspension occurrence will result in a 7 day suspension penalty.
  • Second suspension occurrence will result in a 14 day suspension penalty.
  • Third suspension occurrence will result in a one month suspension penalty.
  • Fourth through twelfth suspension occurrences will be reviewed by the No Show Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee will determine an appropriate action for each account up to and including long-term suspension from service. To be reinstated, the rider must appeal the suspension and provide evidence of behavior improvement for reinstatement.

The time-frame for the progressive suspension policy is one calendar year beginning on January 1st of every year. Passengers with three or more no shows and if these no shows also exceed 10% or more of their trips in one month will be notified by mail with a letter containing:

  • The dates when the no shows occurred;
  • The dates of the pending suspension; and
  • Instructions on how to make an appeal.

No Shows will be tracked each month. However, it is the customer’s responsibility to track their no shows to ensure that they are kept within an acceptable level. It is also the customer’s responsibility to ensure that RTC ACCESS is properly informed of any change in mailing address to ensure all correspondence is received in a timely manner.

The Agency will provide rides for a medical service appointment that occurs during any suspension period, but no additional rides will be allowed.


Each passenger’s no show occurrences are reviewed at the end of each calendar month for excessive no show violations. Suspension notification letters are sent to all passengers in violation of the policy. Each letter clearly identifies the dates of each violation from the previous month, as well as the future dates when the passenger’s service will be suspended.


Before a no show/late cancellation suspension may take place, RTC ACCESS will notify the passenger by mail of the intention to suspend service. This notification shall inform the passenger of the reason(s) for the proposed no show suspension and shall state that the passenger has a right to appeal. Appeal requests may be filed by the deadline per the instructions included with notice of suspension. If a customer misses the appeal request deadline, RTC ACCESS service will be suspended on the date listed on notice of service suspension.