The Regional Road Impact Fee (RRIF) program was established in November 1995 pursuant to NRS chapter 278B, Impact Fees for New Development. The collection of RRIF fees began in February 1996.
The RRIF program was established by Washoe County, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County (RTC), within the framework of an interlocal cooperative agreement as authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act in NRS chapter 277. The RRIF General Administrative Manual (the “RRIF GAM”) establishes the guidelines and procedures by which Washoe County, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and the RTC jointly administer the RRIF program.
Pursuant to NRS 278B, impact fee programs require the preparation and adoption of a “capital improvements plan.” This 7th Edition of the RRIF capital improvements plan (this “RRIF CIP”) was prepared and adopted in connection with the 7th Edition of the RRIF GAM on January 31, 2022.
Regional Road Impact Fee Program
- 7th Edition Year 2 Indexing Brochure (effective January 31, 2024)
- 7th Edition Year 3 Indexing Brochure (effective January 31, 2025)
- Current Credit Holders
- RRIF GIS Viewer
- RRIF General Administrative Manual 7th Ed.
- RRIF Capital Improvement Plan 7th Ed.
- RRIF TAC Statement of Purpose Objectives Procedures
RRIF Automated Program – Credit Holders Login Page
Regional Road Impact Fee Administrators
City of Reno – Mike Mischel, P.E.
Engineering Manager
City of Reno, Development Services
1 East 1st Street, Reno, NV 89501
(775) 326-6607
City of Sparks – Amber Sosa, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Sparks, Community Services
431 Prater Way, Sparks, NV 89431
(775) 353-7863
Washoe County – Michon Reede, P.E.
Washoe County Community Services Department
Engineering Division
1001 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
(775) 328-2310
RTC – Dale Keller, P.E.
Director of Engineering
Regional Transportation Commission, Engineering Department
1105 Terminal Way, Suite 108, Reno, NV 89502
(775) 335-1827
RTC Program Manager – Jeff Wilbrecht, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Regional Transportation Commission, Engineering Department
1105 Terminal Way, Suite 108, Reno, NV 89502
(775) 335-1872
Frequently Asked Questions
New development creates a demand for new roadway capacity. The RRIF is a tool to collect the cost of providing the new capacity for new development.
Fees are based on the land use type as identified in the RRIF Fee Schedule listed above. For a more detailed explanation of land use types, see the RRIF General Administrative Manual Section IV.
To build capacity improvements, such as new roads and ramps, road widening and intersection improvements, and to preserve right of way for future capacity improvements.
On building permits applied for on and after January 31,2022.
Fees are paid to the local agency at the time a building permit is issued, but may be deferred to the Certificate of Occupancy, if allowed by the jurisdiction issuing the building permit.
RRIF Credits and waivers are earned by a developer through the dedication of right of way and/or construction of approved capacity improvements to the regional road network. RRIF Credits and waivers may be used to pay the regional road impact fees for new development.
RRIF Credits were earned prior to adoption of the 5th Edition RRIF and are denominated in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs). RRIF Waivers are earned after the adoption of the 5th Edition RRIF and denominated in dollars. RRIF Waivers may only be used within the development of record associated with the Offset Agreement under which the waivers were earned. RRIF Credits may be used to pay the impact fees in Reno, Sparks or Washoe County in the benefit district they were earned. Districts are divided into the Northwest, Northeast and South benefit districts. To determine which service area and benefit district your project is located, access the RRIF GIS viewer above and enter the address or APN for your property.
Pay impact fees due with check or money order.
Pay impact fees due with credits earned for constructing capacity improvements or right-of-way dedication included in the RRIF Capital Improvements Plan.