Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Aside Program


The Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Aside Program provides funding for a variety of smaller scale but critically important transportation projects in Washoe County. Agencies eligible to receive TA Set-Aside funds include local governments, tribal governments, natural resource agencies, public land agencies, school districts, individual schools, local education agencies, local and regional transportation agencies, local and regional recreational trail entities, and nonprofit entities. Some examples of eligible projects include pedestrian and bicycle facilities, construction of turnouts/overlooks/viewing areas, community improvements (such as historic preservation or vegetation management), environmental mitigation related to stormwater or habitat connectivity, recreational trails, Safe Routes to School projects, and vulnerable road user safety assessments.

The RTC administers the TA Set-Aside Program for the Reno-Sparks Metropolitan Planning Area. Questions about the program should be directed to the listed Project Manager.

Project Manager:
Shay League, RTC Senior Technical Planner
Phone: 775-332-0168