Status: Active Projects
Project Details
RTC Project No. 512013
RTC Project Manager (PM)
Jeff Wilbrecht, P.E.
RTC Engineering Department
(775) 348-0171
Design Firm: Stantec Consulting, Inc.
Construction Contractor: Granite Construction Company, Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE)
This project consists of studying and developing alternatives for the Oddie/Wells Corridor based on the findings shown in the Corridor Study performed and approved in 2013 by the RTC. This is a Complete Streets project that includes safety improvements to several modes of transportation such as sidewalks, bike lanes, comfortable and accessible public transportation stops, frequent and safe crossing opportunities, median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, curb extensions, narrower travel lanes, and more.
The project is substantially completed. A punchlist and landscape maintenance work being performed with intermittent lane/shoulder closures.
Visit for more information about the project, to provide comments and to sign up for updates.
Planning: Complete 2013
Environmental: N/A
Preliminary Design: Fall 2019
Final Design: Winter 2020
Construction: Fall 2021
Total Project Estimate: $51,629,070
Funding Source: RTC Fuel Tax
Post updated on: September 27, 2024
Oddie/Wells Corridor Multi-Modal Improvements Project Map