Status: Active Projects
RTC Project No. 520062
RTC Project Manager (PM)
Amanda Callegari, P.E.
RTC Engineering Department
(775) 348-0171
Design Firm: Jacobs Engineering (Preliminary and NEPA / Completed), NDOT to design Phase 1 (Queen Way to Golden View Drive)
Construction Contractor: Granite Construction
Pyramid Highway/US 395 Connection Study Quick Facts
Improving transportation in one of the busiest areas in the Truckee Meadows begins with involving the public. The study that began in 2008 included a considerable public outreach effort providing multiple avenues for the public to comment, ask questions, and receive updates on the study throughout the process.
The need for the Pyramid Highway/US 395 Connection Study is based on information developed for the Pyramid Highway Corridor Management Plan (CMP), October 2001. The purpose of the project is to achieve the transportation objectives identified in the CMP by addressing the following transportation issues:
- Address existing congestion problems on Pyramid Highway
- Service existing and forecasted population growth
- Address existing travel inefficiencies
- Address safety problems on Pyramid Highway
- Address existing and future access needs
- Be responsive to regional and local plans
The Pyramid Highway/US 395 Connection Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) are available for download below. The Record of Decision (ROD) was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) December 7, 2018. The Preferred Alternative consists of Four and Six Lane Arterial improvements at specific locations on Pyramid and the US 395 Connector. The proposed High Speed High Access Controlled Arterial improvements are the result of additional traffic modeling, design refinements and environmental impact analysis of the alternatives included in the FEIS.
The FEIS, ROD and other important information are available for download below:
Final EIS
Study Background
Current Maps
Alternative Analysis
Who’s Involved
Frequently Asked Questions
Preferred Alternative
Conceptual Phasing Plan
TAC Presentation
Pyramid US 395 Connector Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Record of Decision (ROD)
EIS Appendixes: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E
Queen Way to Los Altos Parkway –
Pyramid will be constructed as a high access arterial and will be widened from four to six lanes from Queen Way to Los Altos Parkway. Improvements will include three travel lanes in each direction, bike lanes, curb and gutter, wide median, shoulder improvements and a barrier protected shared use path on the east side of the road (Queen Way to Los Altos Parkway). Between Los Altos Parkway and Golden View Drive, four travel lanes will be maintained in addition to the other improvements mentioned above. Additionally, there will be sound/screen walls in some locations and a protected sidewalk on the west side of the road.
Los Altos Parkway to Golden View Drive –
The existing four lanes will be reconstructed. Improvements in this segment will include bike lanes, curb and gutter, wide median, shoulder improvements, sidewalk on the west side and a shared use path on the east side.
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is performing the construction administration of Phase 1 of the overall Pyramid/395 Connector (NDOT Contract 3948). Construction began May 1, 2023, and is anticipated to take approximately two years to complete. Information regarding public meetings, project details, and construction updates can be found on the project website Additionally, information can be found on either the RTC or NDOT websites.
Planning: N/A
Environmental: Complete
Preliminary Design: Complete
Final Design: Complete
Construction: Spring 2023 – Spring 2025
Total Project Estimate (All Project Phases): $800,000,000
Funding Source: Preliminary Design and Environmental Study ($9 million): RTC Fuel Tax, Federal Fixing Americas Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Funding Sources Phase 1 Design, Right of Way and Construction ($54.1 million): Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Grant, Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Funds, State Transportation Funds, Local (RTC Fuel Tax and Regional Road Impact Fees (RRIF) Funds.
Post updated on: December 27, 2024
Pyramid Highway/US 395 Connection Project Map