The South Virginia Street TOD Plan’s purpose is to envision the future extension of the Virginia Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service to south Reno and develop the land use planning tools that will encourage a walkable, transit‐supportive development pattern that meets the growth and development needs of the region.
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a form of city planning that is focused on creating vibrant and pedestrian-oriented communities. This is done through the creation of mixed-use developments, walkable infrastructure, and availability of public transportation options in order to reduce dependency on automobiles as the sole mode of transportation. The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) and its partners have utilized TOD to improve the transit options for Nevadans across Reno, Sparks and Washoe County; we are currently seeking public input and feedback on the Draft Plan, the links to which can be found below.

The public is invited to check out details of the South Virginia Street Transit Oriented Development (SVTOD) Plan, now that it is complete. Links below provide access to a graphic-rich story map covering the details of the Plan and recommendations; an FAQ page summarizing coordination between the RTC’s TOD Plan and NDOT’s Safety Management Plan; a one-pager promotional flyer with high-level details from the Plan; and the TOD Plan and its appendices.
Study Report:
South Virginia Street TOD Plan (Adopted 8.16.2024)
Appendix A: Existing Conditions Technical Memo
Appendix B: Land Use Technical Memo
Appendix C: Transit Technical Memo
Appendix D: Public Outreach Memo and Survey Results
Project Manager:
Graham Dollarhide, RTC Planning Manager: gdollarhide@rtcwashoe.com